The Technique

Bottega Tifernate

The Technique

Pictography is not just any technique

It all stems from a series of questions: if Leonardo had had a computer at his disposal, how would he have used it?
And if Raphael had known printing, would he have made use of it? Hence, the solution: by studying ancient techniques and processing steps and, at the same time, evaluating the available technologies, we began to experiment, try and try again, until we created PICTOGRAPHY.

Pictography is a working method that is the result of research that has lasted more than 30 years and is renewed, day after day: it was designed with the idea of reproducing any painting with scientific methodology, through the use of materials and recipes used for the originals of any era or genre, with the ability to replicate the exact aesthetic quality and ensure identical durability.

We know how important the value of not only the economic value of a work is, how it can be linked to a moment in life whose testimony we wish to pass on. Therefore, our work focuses on materials and, above all, colors.

Our works are made with oxide-based pigments that, even if stressed by environmental conditions that are not exactly suitable for conservation, allow them to guarantee a long life. Depending on the type of work to be done, we use different types of earths, either made in the laboratory or prepared from precious and natural materials. In both cases, suitable colors are used to have exceptional lightfastness.

Opening hours

Mon – Fri: 8 am – 6 pm
Sabato: 9:00 – 12:00
Closed on Sunday


Via Claudio Treves, 14
06012 Città di Castello, Italy
+39 075 8511651

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