Icona della Sacra Fam...


Pictography fresh on lime ‘Retouch’ category. Retouching by hand with oxide-based earths; made on the base while still fresh for exceptional durability. Processing with magnifying glass, hot chalk relief, gold and silver leaf gilding for the halos.


The icon of the Holy Family is an artistic representation depicting Jesus, the Virgin Mary and St Joseph, and symbolises unity, love and dedication within the Christian family. This type of icon is particularly important in the Christian tradition, as it evokes the values of domestic holiness and divine protection within the home.

At the centre of the icon is the infant Jesus, represented as the focus of family harmony. The Child makes the gesture of blessing, expressing his divine nature and his role as Redeemer from birth. His face is peaceful, a symbol of purity and innocence. The Virgin Mary is placed to the left of Jesus, and her face expresses tenderness and maternal love. She wraps Jesus in a protective embrace, symbolising her role as Mother of God and the one who accompanies her Son in his saving mission. She wears a red mantle, the colour representing her royalty and purity, divinity and humanity. Finally, St Joseph is depicted at Jesus' right hand, in a protective attitude. His role as guardian and earthly father of Jesus is highlighted by his attentive and loving gaze towards the family; he is dressed in a blue tending to green, recalling his humility and his role as a worker. The background of the icon is golden, representing the presence of divine light that illuminates the family.

The icon of the Holy Family is not just an artistic representation, but a spiritual window that invites the faithful to meditate on the sacredness of family life and the Christian model of love, service and dedication. Looking at this image, the faithful find inspiration to live harmoniously and seek the divine presence within their homes. This icon is a visual sign of protection and blessing for the family, and is often displayed in Christian homes to invoke God's presence in daily life.


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Unknown, Icon of the Holy Family (RETOUCH)



Opening hours

Mon – Fri: 8 am – 6 pm
Sabato: 9:00 – 12:00
Closed on Sunday


Via Claudio Treves, 14
06012 Città di Castello, Italy
+39 075 8511651

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